Monday, December 06, 2004

Stranded ...

Good heavens,
I'm stranded on this strange planet. How can I get back to my distant home? I have to weigh my options.

Will I ever get to see the sun of the planet I call home? You inhabitants of earth won't understand. You've never really been to a distant planet circling a diffrent star. You only know your Sun, your Sol. There is a difference. No star is like any other. Although there are countless stars throughout the known universe you rarely encounter a star that comes at least close to your own star.

I look like you. You won't find me out. Sorry, no chance. Please don't try. It's a waste of energy. I've been around here for some time now and know your ways. You've been the objects of my studies and I know you better than you do yourselves.

Well, let me think.

What ...?


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